UA-RCL University of Arizona Reconfigurable Computing Lab

FPGA’24 Tutorial Archive

In this tutorial, we will familiarize ourselves with setting up CEDR and performing the following set of tasks:

Additionally, we provide a number of supplemental tutorials on topics such as:

Tutorial Requirements

Exercise 0: Getting Started with CEDR

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Initial Setup:

Docker-based Instructions (Linux, Windows, and Mac)

Install Docker based on the host machine platform using the link. Pull the existing latest Docker container with all dependencies installed. Open a terminal in your CEDR folder and run the docker image using the following command:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/root/repository mackncheesiest/cedr_dev:latest /bin/bash

Clone CEDR from GitHub using one of the following methods:

Linux-native instructions (Requires root access)

Install git using the following command:

sudo apt-get install git-all

Clone CEDR from GitHub using one of the following methods:

Change your working directory to the cloned CEDR folder


Install all the required dependencies using the following command (this will take some time):

sudo bash

Building CEDR for x86:

Navigate to the root directory and create a build folder

mkdir build

Change current directory to build

cd build

Call cmake and make to create CEDR executables for x86

cmake ../
make -j -$(nproc)

At this point there are 4 important files that should be compiled:

Look into dash.h under libdash folder and see available API calls.

Exercise 1: Introducing CEDR APIs to Baseline C++ Applications

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Application Overview

Move to the Radar Correlator folder in the applications folder from root directory

cd applications/APIApps/radar_correlator

Look at the non-API version of the Radar Correlator and locate possible places for adding API calls to the application

Change the radar correlator to have DASH_FFT API calls and create a new file to place the API calls in the file

cp radar_correlator_non_api.c radar_correlator_fft.c

Make sure the dash.h is included in the application

#include "dash.h"

Change the radar_correlator_non_api.c to include DASH_FFT calls

<gsl_fft_wrapper(fft_inp, fft_out, len, true);;
>DASH_FFT_flt(fft_inp, fft_out, len, true);

<gsl_fft_wrapper(fft_inp, fft_out, len, true);;
>DASH_FFT_flt(fft_inp, fft_out, len, true);

<gsl_fft_wrapper(fft_inp, fft_out, len, false);
>DASH_FFT_flt(fft_inp, fft_out, len, false);

Build radar correlator without API calls and observe the output

make non-api

Build radar correlator with API calls (standalone execution outside CEDR) and compare the output against non-api version

make standalone

Build radar correlator shared object to be used with CEDR

make api

Copy the shared object and any input data files to the CEDR build folder

cp ../../../build
cp -r input/ ../../../build

CPU-based Preliminary Validation of the API Based Code

Move back to the CEDR build folder containing CEDR binaries

cd ../../../build

Copy the daemon configuration file from the root repository base directory to the build folder

cp ../daemon_config.json ./

Observe the contents of the daemon_config.json

Modify the daemon_config.json file to set the number of CPUs to 3 (or any other number).

"Worker Threads": {
  "cpu": <b>3</b>,
  "fft": 0,
  "gemm": 0,
  "gpu": 0

Run CEDR using the config file

./cedr -c ./daemon_config.json

Push CEDR to the background or open another terminal and navigate to the same build folder (root repository/build)

Run sub_dag to submit application(s) to CEDR

./sub_dag -a ./ -n 1 -p 0

Look at the results and terminate CEDR using kill_daemon


Now, observe the log files generated in log_dir/experiment0.

We can generate a Gantt chart showing the distribution of tasks to the processing elements. Navigate the scripts/ folder from the root directory and run script.

cd scripts/
python3 ../build/log_dir/experiment0/timing_trace.log

Having built CEDR and compiled radar correlator application, we can proceed to performing design-space exploration now.

Exercise 2: FPGA Based SoC Experiment (ZCU102 MPSoC)

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(Conv2d (accelerator) is not included in HCW release.) Moving on to the aarch64-based build for ZCU102 FPGA with accelerators. We’ll start by building CEDR itself. This time we will use the toolchain file for cross-compilation. If you are on Ubuntu 22.04, the toolchain requires running inside the docker container. Simply run the following commands from the repository root folder:

mkdir build-arm
cd build-arm
cmake -DLIBDASH_MODULES="FFT GEMM" --toolchain=../toolchains/aarch64-linux-gnu.toolchain.cmake ..
make -j $(nproc)

This will create an executable file for cedr, sub_dag, kill_deamon, and libdash-rt for aarch64 platforms. We can check the platform type of an executable using the file command:

file cedr
cedr: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, <b>ARM aarch64</b>, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=7374bd01c8ded1d48f9dd191e9010496bdffae34, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, not stripped

Since we also used the -DLIBDASH_MODULES="FFT GEMM" flag, we also enabled FFT and GEMM accelerator function calls for DASH_FFT and DASH_GEMM API calls. We can test if these functions are available or not by running the following commands:

nm -D libdash-rt/ | grep -E '*_fft$|*_gemm$'
0000000000006974 T <b>DASH_FFT_fft</b>
000000000000788c T <b>DASH_GEMM_gemm</b>

After this, we can go to build our application using cross-compilation for aarch64


Assuming you came here after building the lane detection for x86_64, we will directly move to compile the lane detection for aarch64. First, navigate to applications/APIApps/lane_detection folder. Then run the following command to build the executable for aacrh64:

cd applications/APIApps/lane_detection
ARCH=aarch64 make
file ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, <b>ARM aarch64</b>, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=fc95ba8be71bfb2f90164848211b62325f087007, not stripped

After verifying the file is compiled for the correct platform, copy the file and inputs to the build directory:

# Assuming your CEDR build folder is in the root directory and named "build-arm"
cp image.png ../../../build-arm

Simply, perform the same operations for pulse doppler application:

cd ../pulse_doppler
ARCH=aarch64 make nonblocking
cp -r input/ ../../../build-arm

Running API-based CEDR on ZCU102

Now, change your working directory to the build-arm directory. Before going into the zcu102 first copy the daemon_config.json file to the build-arm directory and create an output folder. From the build-arm directory, run:

cd ../../../build-arm
cp ../daemon_config.json ./
mkdir output/

Now we will ssh into the ZCU102, and enter the password when prompted:

ssh <user-name>@<zcu102-ip>

If you like, you can create a folder for yourself on the board where you will be working for the remainder of this tutorial. Now create a folder in the desired working directory called mnt and create an sshfs connection for the mnt directory using the build folder (build-arm) on your local machine:

cd <desired workspace>
mkdir mnt
sshfs <user_name>@<ip for the localmachine>:<path to CEDR repository root folder>/build-arm mnt
cd mnt

After these steps are completed, if you type ls you should see all the files you had on the local machine is also here on the zcu102.

Before running CEDR, we need to enable FFT and GEMM accelerator in the daemon_config.json file and loosen the thread permission just like we did for x86_64. By the time this tutorial was written, we had 2 FFT and 2 GEMM accelerators available in the FPGA image. We can put any number between 0-2 to the corresponding fields on the daemon_config.json file. Change the file with the following Worker Threads setup:

"Worker Threads": {
        "cpu": 3,
        "fft": 2,
        "gemm": 2,
        "gpu": 0
"Loosen Thread Permissions": true,

Execution of CEDR is the same as the x86_64 version. In one terminal launch CEDR:

./cedr -c ./daemon_config.json -l NONE &

After launching CEDR, you should see the function handles for FFT and GEMM accelerators are successfully grabbed.

In another terminal, we will submit an instance of lane_detection and five instances of pulse doppler using sub_dag:

./sub_dag -a ./,./ -n 1,5 -p 0,100

Now kill the CEDR by running ./kill_deamon on the second terminal and check the resource_name fields for the first 10 FFT tasks:

head -n 10 ./log_dir/experiment0/timing_trace.log
app_id: 0, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 0, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>cpu1</b>, ref_start_time: 5248428403449098, ref_stop_time: 5248428420053817, actual_exe_time: 16604719
app_id: 0, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 1, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>cpu2</b>, ref_start_time: 5248428408909254, ref_stop_time: 5248428420265209, actual_exe_time: 11355955
app_id: 0, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 3, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>fft1</b>, ref_start_time: 5248428408932076, ref_stop_time: 5248428420061538, actual_exe_time: 11129462
app_id: 0, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 4, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>fft2</b>, ref_start_time: 5248428409129026, ref_stop_time: 5248428420069309, actual_exe_time: 10940283
app_id: 0, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 2, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>cpu3</b>, ref_start_time: 5248428409170040, ref_stop_time: 5248428420067799, actual_exe_time: 10897759
app_id: 0, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 5, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>cpu1</b>, ref_start_time: 5248428420067189, ref_stop_time: 5248428420236706, actual_exe_time: 169517
app_id: 0, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 7, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>cpu3</b>, ref_start_time: 5248428420072569, ref_stop_time: 5248428420260798, actual_exe_time: 188229
app_id: 0, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 9, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>fft2</b>, ref_start_time: 5248428420073379, ref_stop_time: 5248428420160848, actual_exe_time: 87469
app_id: 0, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 14, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>fft2</b>, ref_start_time: 5248428420165289, ref_stop_time: 5248428420259618, actual_exe_time: 94329
app_id: 0, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 8, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>fft1</b>, ref_start_time: 5248428420242426, ref_stop_time: 5248428420336426, actual_exe_time: 94000

We can see that all the resources available for FFT execution (cpu1, cpu2, cpu3, fft1, and fft2) are being used.

Lastly, let’s compare the outputs with x86 results to validate the correctness.

xdg-open output_fft.png
cat output/pulse_doppler_output.txt

Supplemental Exercises:

Supplemental Exercise 1: Design Space Exploration

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CEDR comes with some scripts that makes design-space exploration (DSE) rapid and easy. Now, we will go over the flow and define how to perform DSE step by step. First, navigate to folder where we accomodate API based CEDR scripts from root directory.

cd scripts/scripts-API/run_scripts

We will initially run file to generate daemon_config.json files for our sweeps. We can modify the following code portion to denote scheduler types and hardware compositions. We set schedulers as SIMPLE, ETF, and MET while hardware compositions that are going to sweeped are picked as 4 CPUs at maximum since we don’t have any accelerator on the x86 system. If there were any accelerator, we would also set the maximum number of accelerator that we would like to sweep up to.

CPUS = 3
FFTS = 0
ZIPS = 0
GPUS = 0

Then, we can see that number of each processing element starts from 0 all the way up to maximum number of that processing element looking at nested loops between Lines 26-31 (except CPU starts from 1). By changing the boundaries of the for loops, we can control the starting point of the sweep for each processing element. For this experiment, we will keep the file same.

Next, we need to configure and, which will concurrently run CEDR and submit applications. In, we need to set the following fields identical to the daemon config generator. Periodicity denotes the delay between injecting each application instance in microseconds.

declare -a SCHEDS=("SIMPLE" "MET" "ETF")

# Number of distinct period values for each workload. Use this value from the bash script that
# runs sub_dag
PERIODS=("1734" "2313")

declare -a WORKLOADS=("HIGH" )

In the case of, we need to set the following fields identical as before. In here, we also define APPS variable that stores the applications that we will sweep and INSTS variable that defines how many of each application will be submitted during each sweep.

#### All possible schedulers, and max number of allowed resources ####
declare -a SCHEDS=("SIMPLE" "MET" "ETF")
declare -a CPUS=3
declare -a FFTS=0
declare -a MMULTS=0
declare -a ZIPS=0
declare -a GPUS=0


declare -a PERIODS=("1734" "2313")

declare -a WORKLOADS=("HIGH")

After getting everything ready, we can move scripts and configuration files to the build folder for starting the DSE. We also need to create a folder named schedsweep_daemon_configs in build folder to store configuration files.

mkdir ../../../build/schedsweep_daemon_configs/
cp daemon_config*.json ../../../build/schedsweep_daemon_configs/
cp *.sh ../../../build

Navigate back to the build directory and remove all earlier log files in the log_dir directory.

cd ../../../build
rm -rf log_dir/*

Then, first execute for running CEDR with the DSE configurations on the first terminal. Then, pull up a new terminal and run for dynamically submitting the applications based on workload composition. If you are on Docker environment, execute the first … commands on a separate terminal to be able to pull up a second terminal running docker container.

docker ps
# Take note of the number below "CONTAINER ID" column
docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash
bash    # Execute on the first terminal
bash # Execute on the second terminal

After both scripts terminate, there should be a folder named HIGH in the log_dir containing as many files as there are trials. Each folder should have log files for each hardware composition, scheduler, and injection rate. To plot all the DSE results in a 3D format, first navigate to scripts/scripts-API/ from root directory.

cd scripts/scripts-API/

There are two scripts named and for plotting 3D diagram. For each DSE experiment, following lines in should be modified.

corelist = [' cpu1', ' cpu2', ' cpu3']  # Line 38

############# Edit parameters here ####################
# Starting from line 179


    # Use following INJ_RATES and PERIODS for High latency workload data
    INJ_RATES=[10, 20]
    PERIODS=[1734, 2313]
elif WORKLOAD == 'LOW':
    print('Low workload is not specified for this setup')
    print('Wrong workload type ', WORKLOAD, ' chosen, please choose either "HIGH" or "LOW"!')

corelist = [' cpu1', ' cpu2', ' cpu3']  # Edit here


To learn about the input arguments of, execute the script with -h option. Then, execute script using the given arguments below for the DSE experiment in this tutorial. Other DSE experiments may require different set of input arguments.

python3 -h
python3 -i ../../build/log_dir/ -w HIGH -o dataframe.csv -t 2 -r 2

Modify the following lines in the

### Configuration specification ###
### Starting from line 27
CPUS = 3
FFTS = 0
ZIPS = 0
GPUS = 0
schedlist = {'SIMPLE':1, 'MET':2, 'ETF':3}
schedmarkerlist = {'SIMPLE':'o', 'MET':'o', 'ETF':'o'}
schednamelist = ['RR', 'MET', 'ETF']

Execute the script using the following commands.

python3 <input file name> <metric>
python3 dataframe.csv CUMU  # Accumulates execution time of each API call
python3 dataframe.csv EXEC  # Application execution time
python3 dataframe.csv SCHED # Scheduling overhead

Supplemental Exercise 2: Integration and Evaluation of EFT Scheduler

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Now navigate to scheduler.cpp. This file contains various schedulers already tailored to work with CEDR. In this part of the tutorial, we will add the Earliest Finish Time(EFT) scheduler to CEDR. EFT heuristic schedules all the tasks in the read queue one by one based on the earliest expected finish time of the task on the available resources (processing elements – PE).

First, we will write the EFT scheduler as a C/C++ function. We will utilize the available variables for all the schedulers in CEDR. A list of the useful variables and their explanations can be found in the bulleted list below.

Based on the available variables, we will construct the prototype of the EFT scheduler as shown:

int scheduleEFT(ConfigManager &cedr_config, std::deque<task_nodes *> &ready_queue, worker_thread *hardware_thread_handle, pthread_mutex_t *resource_mutex, uint32_t &free_resource_count)

Leveraging the available variables, we will implement the EFT in C/C++ step by step. First, we will handle the initializations, then the main loop body for task-to-PE mapping based on the heuristic, followed by the actual PE assignment for the task, and end with final checks. After implementing the scheduler, we will add the EFT scheduler as one of the schedulers for CEDR and enable it in the runtime config.


Here we will initialize some of the required fields for the EFT heuristic. We will use this function’s start time as the reference current time while computing the expected finish time of a task on the PEs.

  unsigned int tasks_scheduled = 0; // Number of tasks scheduled so far
  int eft_resource = 0; // ID of the PE that will be assigned to the task
  unsigned long long earliest_estimated_availtime = 0; // Estimated finish time initialization
  bool task_allocated; // Task assigned to PE successfully or not

  /* Get current time in nanosecond scale */
  struct timespec curr_timespec {};
  clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &curr_timespec);
  long long curr_time = curr_timespec.tv_nsec + curr_timespec.tv_sec * SEC2NANOSEC;

  long long avail_time; // Current available time of the PEs
  long long task_exec_time; // Estimated execution time of the task

  unsigned int total_resources = cedr_config.getTotalResources(); // Total Number of PEs available

EFT heuristic - Task-to-PE mapping

Here, we will have a double nested loop, where the outer loop will traverse all the tasks in the ready queue using the ready_queue variable. The inner loop will traverse all the PEs in the current runtime by indexing the hardware_thread_handle.

  // For loop to iterate over all tasks in Ready queue
  for (auto itr = ready_queue.begin(); itr != ready_queue.end();) {
    earliest_estimated_availtime = ULLONG_MAX;
    // For each task, iterate over all PEs to find the earliest finishing one
    for (int i = total_resources - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      auto resourceType = hardware_thread_handle[i].thread_resource_type; // FFT, ZIP, GEMM, etc.
      avail_time = hardware_thread_handle[i].thread_avail_time; // Based on estimated execution times of the tasks in the `todo_queue` of the PE
      task_exec_time = cedr_config.getDashExecTime((*itr)->task_type, resourceType); // Estimated execution time of the task
      auto finishTime = (curr_time >= avail_time) ? curr_time + task_exec_time : avail_time + task_exec_time; // estimated finish time of the task on the PE at i^th index
      auto resourceIsSupported = ((*itr)->supported_resources[(uint8_t) resourceType]); // Check if the current PE support execution of this task
      /* Check if the PE supports the task and if the estimated finish time is earlier than what is found so far */
      if (resourceIsSupported && finishTime < earliest_estimated_availtime) {
        earliest_estimated_availtime = finishTime;
        eft_resource = i;

EFT heuristic - Task-to-PE assignment

Here, we will utilize a built-in function that does final checks before assigning the task to the given PE. Based on this assignment, it also handles the actual queue management and modification of any required field. Details of this function can be found here.

    // Attempt to assign task on earliest finishing PE
    task_allocated = attemptToAssignTaskToPE(
      cedr_config, // Current configuration of the CEDR
      (*itr), // Task that is being scheduled
      &hardware_thread_handle[eft_resource], // PE that is mapped to the task based on the heuristic
      &resource_mutex[eft_resource], // Mutex protection for the PE's todo queue
      eft_resource // ID of the mapped PE

Final checks

In the last part, we will check whether the task assignment to given PE was successful and move on to the next task in the ready queue.

    if (task_allocated) { // If task allocated successfully
      tasks_scheduled++; // Increment the number of scheduled tasks
      itr = ready_queue.erase(itr); // Remove the task from ready_queue
      /* If queueing is disabled, decrement free resource count*/
      if (!cedr_config.getEnableQueueing()) {
        if (free_resource_count == 0)
    } else { // If task is not allocated successfully
      itr++; // Go to the next task in ready_queue
  return tasks_scheduled;

Full EFT in C/C++

Now collecting all the steps, we will have the EFT function written in C/C++ that is tailored to CEDR, as shown:

int scheduleEFT(ConfigManager &cedr_config, std::deque<task_nodes *> &ready_queue, worker_thread *hardware_thread_handle, pthread_mutex_t *resource_mutex, uint32_t &free_resource_count) {

  unsigned int tasks_scheduled = 0; // Number of tasks scheduled so far
  int eft_resource = 0; // ID of the PE that will be assigned to the task
  unsigned long long earliest_estimated_availtime = 0; // Estimated finish time initialization
  bool task_allocated; // Task assigned to PE successfully or not

  /* Get current time in nanosecond scale */
  struct timespec curr_timespec {};
  clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &curr_timespec);
  long long curr_time = curr_timespec.tv_nsec + curr_timespec.tv_sec * SEC2NANOSEC;

  long long avail_time; // Current available time of the PEs
  long long task_exec_time; // Estimated execution time of the task

  unsigned int total_resources = cedr_config.getTotalResources(); // Total Number of PEs available

  // For loop to iterate over all tasks in Ready queue
  for (auto itr = ready_queue.begin(); itr != ready_queue.end();) {
    earliest_estimated_availtime = ULLONG_MAX;
    // For each task, iterate over all PEs to find the earliest finishing one
    for (int i = total_resources - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      auto resourceType = hardware_thread_handle[i].thread_resource_type; // FFT, ZIP, GEMM, etc.
      avail_time = hardware_thread_handle[i].thread_avail_time; // Based on estimated execution times of the tasks in the `todo_queue` of the PE
      task_exec_time = cedr_config.getDashExecTime((*itr)->task_type, resourceType); // Estimated execution time of the task
      auto finishTime = (curr_time >= avail_time) ? curr_time + task_exec_time : avail_time + task_exec_time; // estimated finish time of the task on the PE at i^th index
      auto resourceIsSupported = ((*itr)->supported_resources[(uint8_t) resourceType]); // Check if the current PE support execution of this task
      /* Check if the PE supports the task and if the estimated finish time is earlier than what is found so far */
      if (resourceIsSupported && finishTime < earliest_estimated_availtime) {
        earliest_estimated_availtime = finishTime;
        eft_resource = i;

    // Attempt to assign task on earliest finishing PE
    task_allocated = attemptToAssignTaskToPE(
      cedr_config, // Current configuration of the CEDR
      (*itr), // Task that is being scheduled
      &hardware_thread_handle[eft_resource], // PE that is mapped to the task based on the heuristic
      &resource_mutex[eft_resource], // Mutex protection for the PE's todo queue
      eft_resource // ID of the mapped PE

    if (task_allocated) { // If task allocated successfully
      tasks_scheduled++; // Increment the number of scheduled tasks
      itr = ready_queue.erase(itr); // Remove the task from ready_queue
      /* If queueing is disabled, decrement free resource count*/
      if (!cedr_config.getEnableQueueing()) {
        if (free_resource_count == 0)
    } else { // If task is not allocated successfully
      itr++; // Go to the next task in ready_queue
  return tasks_scheduled;

Adding EFT as a scheduling option

Now, the only thing left is to ensure CEDR can run this function during scheduling events. To do this in the same scheduler.cpp file, we go to the end and update the performScheduling function. In the function where sched_policy is checked, we add another else if segment that checks whether the scheduling policy is EFT. If it is, we will call the function we just created.

else if (sched_policy == "EFT") {
    tasks_scheduled += scheduleEFT(cedr_config, ready_queue, hardware_thread_handle, resource_mutex, free_resource_count);

After adding EFT as one of the scheduling heuristic options to CEDR, we will need to rebuild CEDR in the build directory. First, navigate to root directory, then follow the steps below to rebuild CEDR with EFT.

cd build
make -j

Enabling EFT for CEDR

In the daemon_config.json file, we updated the “Scheduler” field to be “EFT” before running CEDR with the updated daemon config file.

    "Scheduler": "EFT",

Running CEDR with EFT Scheduler

Using the same methods as in Section 3.2, we will run CEDR and see the use of the EFT scheduler. After running the following command, we will see that the scheduler to be used is selected as EFT in the displayed logs.

./cedr -c ./daemon_config.json -l VERBOSE | grep -E "(Scheduler|scheduler)" &
[...] DEBUG [312918] [ConfigManager::parseConfig@136] Config contains key 'Scheduler', assigning config value to <b>EFT</b>

After submitting the application with sub_dag, we will see that the newly added EFT scheduler is used during the scheduling event.

./sub_dag -a ./ -n 1 -p 0
[...] DEBUG [312918] [performScheduling@475] Ready queue non-empty, performing task scheduling using <b>EFT</b> scheduler.
[...] DEBUG [312918] [performScheduling@475] Ready queue non-empty, performing task scheduling using <b>EFT</b> scheduler.
[...] DEBUG [312918] [performScheduling@475] Ready queue non-empty, performing task scheduling using <b>EFT</b> scheduler.

Once everything is completed, we will terminate CEDR with kill_daemon.


Supplemental Exercise 3: Introducing a New API Call

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In this section of the tutorial, we will demonstrate integration of a new API call to the CEDR. We will use DASH_ZIP API call as an example.

Navigate to libdash folder from root directory.

cd libdash

Add the API function definitions to the dash.h.

void DASH_ZIP_flt(dash_cmplx_flt_type* input_1, dash_cmplx_flt_type* input_2, dash_cmplx_flt_type* output, size_t size, zip_op_t op);
void DASH_ZIP_flt_nb(dash_cmplx_flt_type** input_1, dash_cmplx_flt_type** input_2, dash_cmplx_flt_type** output, size_t* size, zip_op_t* op, cedr_barrier_t* kernel_barrier);

void DASH_ZIP_int(dash_cmplx_int_type* input_1, dash_cmplx_int_type* input_2, dash_cmplx_int_type* output, size_t size, zip_op_t op);
void DASH_ZIP_int_nb(dash_cmplx_int_type** input_1, dash_cmplx_int_type** input_2, dash_cmplx_int_type** output, size_t* size, zip_op_t* op, cedr_barrier_t* kernel_barrier);

There 4 different function definitions here:

  1. DASH_ZIP_flt: Supports blocking ZIP calls for dash_cmplx_flt_type
  2. DASH_ZIP_flt_nb: Supports non-blocking ZIP calls for dash_cmplx_flt_type
  3. DASH_ZIP_int: Supports blocking ZIP calls for dash_cmplx_int_type
  4. DASH_ZIP_int_nb: Supports non-blocking ZIP calls for dash_cmplx_int_type

Add supported ZIP operation enums to dash_types.h

typedef enum zip_op {
  ZIP_ADD = 0,
  ZIP_SUB = 1,
  ZIP_MULT = 2,
  ZIP_DIV = 3
} zip_op_t;

Add CPU implementation of the ZIP to libdash/cpu zip.cpp. For simplicity, we just copy the original implementation.

cp original_files/zip.cpp libdash/cpu/

In zip.cpp, we also have the enqueue_kernel call in the API definition, which is how the task for this API will be sent to CEDR. A prototype of the enqueue_kernel function is given in line 12, and enqueue_kernel is used in non-blocking versions of the function (lines 83 and 113). The prototype is the same for all the APIs created for CEDR. The first argument has to be the function name, the second argument has to be the precision to be used, and the third argument shows how many inputs are needed for the calling function (for ZIP, this is 6). Now let’s look at the ZIP-specific enqueue_kernel call.

enqueue_kernel("DASH_ZIP", "flt", 6, input_1, input_2, output, size, op, kernel_barrier);

In this sample enqueue kernel call, we have 4 important portions:

In the zip.cpp, we need to fill the bodies of the four function definitions that are used so the application will call enqueue_kernel properly and hand off the task to CEDR for scheduling:

  1. DASH_ZIP_flt
  2. DASH_ZIP_flt_nb
  3. DASH_ZIP_int
  4. DASH_ZIP_int_nb

We also implement two more functions, which contains implementation of CPU-based ZIP operations. Functions are created with _cpu suffix so that CEDR can identify the functions correctly for CPU execution:

  1. DASH_ZIP_flt_cpu: dash_cmplx_flt_type
  2. DASH_ZIP_int_cpu: dash_cmplx_int_type

Having included API implementation, we should introduce the new API call to the system by updating CEDR header file (./src-api/include/header.hpp):

enum api_types {DASH_FFT = 0, DASH_GEMM = 1, DASH_FIR = 2, DASH_SpectralOpening = 3, DASH_CIC = 4, DASH_BPSK = 5, DASH_QAM16 = 6, DASH_CONV_2D = 7, DASH_CONV_1D = 8, <b>DASH_ZIP = 9,</b> NUM_API_TYPES = <b>10</b>};

static const char *api_type_names[] = {"DASH_FFT", "DASH_GEMM", "DASH_FIR", "DASH_SpectralOpening", "DASH_CIC", "DASH_BPSK", "DASH_QAM16", "DASH_CONV_2D", "DASH_CONV_1D"<b>, "DASH_ZIP"</b>};
static const std::map<std::string, api_types> api_types_map = { {api_type_names[api_types::DASH_FFT], api_types::DASH_FFT},
                                                                {api_type_names[api_types::DASH_GEMM], api_types::DASH_GEMM},
                                                                {api_type_names[api_types::DASH_FIR], api_types::DASH_FIR},
                                                                {api_type_names[api_types::DASH_SpectralOpening], api_types::DASH_SpectralOpening},
                                                                {api_type_names[api_types::DASH_CIC], api_types::DASH_CIC},
                                                                {api_type_names[api_types::DASH_BPSK], api_types::DASH_BPSK},
                                                                {api_type_names[api_types::DASH_QAM16], api_types::DASH_QAM16},
                                                                {api_type_names[api_types::DASH_CONV_2D], api_types::DASH_CONV_2D},
                                                                {api_type_names[api_types::DASH_CONV_1D], api_types::DASH_CONV_1D},
                                                              <b>{api_type_names[api_types::DASH_ZIP], api_types::DASH_ZIP}</b>};

Navigate to the build folder, re-generate the files, and check the shared object to verify the new ZIP-based function calls.

cd ../build
cmake ..
make -j $(nproc)
nm -D libdash-rt/ | grep -E '*_ZIP_*'

To verify, build lane detection application which utilizes ZIP API calls.

cd applications/APIApps/lane_detection/
cp image.png ../../../build/

Now, launch CEDR and submit lane detection application.

cd ../../../build/
rm -rf log_dir/*
./cedr -c ./daemon_config.json -l NONE &
./sub_dag -a ./ -n 1 -p 0

Let’s check the timing_trace.log for ZIP API calls.

cat log_dir/experiment0/timing_trace.log | grep -E '*ZIP*'

If you have a C++ based serial implementation of key kernels in your application, you can add your API call following the explanations in this section and replace your C++ kernel code with newly introduced API call following the Section 3.

Supplemental Exercise 4: Running Multiple Applications with CEDR on x86

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Compilation of Applications

In this section, we will demonstrate CEDR’s ability to manage dynamically arriving applications. Assuming you already have built CEDR following the previous steps, we will directly delve into compiling and running two new applications that are lane detection and pulse doppler.

Firstly, navigate to lane detection folder from the root folder of the repository, compile it for x86 and move shared object and input files to build folder for running with CEDR. (If you have already done this for the previous section, you don’t have to compile the lane detection once more.)

cd applications/APIApps/lane_detection/
cp image.png ../../../build

Now, let’s do the above steps for pulse doppler application and create a output directory in build for writing its output.

cd ../pulse_doppler/
make nonblocking
cp -r input/ ../../../build
mkdir ../../../build/output

Running the Applications with CEDR

Now that we have all binaries and input files ready, we can proceed with running these applications with CEDR. First, navigate to build directory.

cd ../../../build

Then, launch CEDR with your desired configuration and submit both applications with varying number of instances and injection rates.

./cedr -c ./daemon_config.json -l NONE &
./sub_dag -a ./,./ -n 1,5 -p 0,100

Observe the output image of lane detection and the shift and time delay calculated by pulse doppler.

Supplemental Exercise 5: GPU Based SoC Experiment (Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier)

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Building CEDR

Firstly, we need to connect to the Nvidia Jetson board through ssh connection.

ssh <user-name>@<jetson-ip>

Clone CEDR from GitHub using one of the following methods (we need to add one more line that’s checking out to tutorial branch):

Then, we can build CEDR. Cross compiler is not necessary in this case since we are already logged into the host machine. We enable GPU flag for the CMake to be able to make use of the GPU as an accelerator.

mkdir build
cd build
make -j -$(nproc)


Now, we can compile the lane detection application running the following commands. This creates an executable shared object that we will move to build folder along with input image to run the lane_detection:

cd ../applications/APIApps/lane_detection/
cp image.png ../../../build/

Also, let’s compile the pulse doppler application running the following commands and move shared object and input to ‘build’ folder:

cd ../pulse_doppler/
make nonblocking
cp -r input/ ../../../build/

Running the Applications with CEDR

Now, we need to go back to build folder and move daemon_config.json to it. Also, create a output folder for storing pulse doppler output:

cd ../../../build/
cp ../daemon_config.json ./
mkdir output/

We should enable GPU in daemon_config.json so that runtime will use it as a computing resource.

"Worker Threads": {
        "cpu": 7,
        "fft": 0,
        "gemm": 0,
        "gpu": 1
"Loosen Thread Permissions": true,

Execution of CEDR is the same as the x86_64 version. In one terminal launch CEDR:

./cedr -c ./daemon_config.json -l NONE &

In another terminal, we will submit an instance of lane_detection and five instances of pulse doppler using sub_dag:

./sub_dag -a ./,./ -n 1,5 -p 0,100

Now kill the CEDR by running ./kill_deamon on the second terminal and check the resource_name fields for the first 5 FFT tasks:

head -n 10 ./log_dir/experiment0/timing_trace.log
app_id: 3, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 0, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>cpu1</b>, ref_start_time: 15215236842193792, ref_stop_time: 15215236873412128, actual_exe_time: 31218336
app_id: 3, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 1, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>cpu2</b>, ref_start_time: 15215236842244288, ref_stop_time: 15215236873341824, actual_exe_time: 31097536
app_id: 3, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 2, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>cpu3</b>, ref_start_time: 15215236842259136, ref_stop_time: 15215236873367616, actual_exe_time: 31108480
app_id: 3, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 3, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>cpu4</b>, ref_start_time: 15215236842278592, ref_stop_time: 15215236873329504, actual_exe_time: 31050912
app_id: 3, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 4, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>cpu5</b>, ref_start_time: 15215236842303616, ref_stop_time: 15215236873309984, actual_exe_time: 31006368
app_id: 3, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 7, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>gpu1</b>, ref_start_time: 15215236842359360, ref_stop_time: 15215236878110208, actual_exe_time: 35750848
app_id: 3, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 5, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>cpu6</b>, ref_start_time: 15215236842560224, ref_stop_time: 15215236873353824, actual_exe_time: 30793600
app_id: 3, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 6, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>cpu7</b>, ref_start_time: 15215236843057888, ref_stop_time: 15215236873386784, actual_exe_time: 30328896
app_id: 3, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 11, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>cpu4</b>, ref_start_time: 15215236873349088, ref_stop_time: 15215236873802944, actual_exe_time: 453856
app_id: 3, app_name: track_nb, task_id: 9, task_name: DASH_FFT, resource_name: <b>cpu2</b>, ref_start_time: 15215236873349440, ref_stop_time: 15215236873780032, actual_exe_time: 430592

Lastly, let’s compare the outputs with x86 results to validate the correctness.

xdg-open output_fft.png
cat output/pulse_doppler_output.txt


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