Compiler-Integrated Extensible DSSoC Runtime


About CEDR

System designers are continuously exploring design methodologies that harness increased levels of heterogeneity towards pushing the boundaries of achievable performance gains. We have developed CEDR, an open-source, unified compilation, and runtime framework designed for heterogeneous systems, as part of the DARPA DSSoC program. CEDR allows applications, scheduling heuristics, and accelerators to be co-designed in a cohesive manner. CEDR is currently being leveraged in basic research as part of the DARPA SpaceBACN and PROWESS programs. Its utility has been successfully tested by our industry partners General Dynamics and Collins Aerospace with their applications along with several academic partners and independently evaluated by the Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute. We shared CEDR with the community by organizing tutorials in venues such as International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (ISFPGA’24) and Embedded Systems Week, Education Track (ESWEEK’23). We showcased the utility of this framework through live demonstrations during Free and Open-source Software Developers’ European Meeting (FOSDEM’20 and ’21), GNU Radio 4.0 Hackfest (2020), GNU Radio Conference (2022), and Arm Research Summit (2019).

Publications and News

  1. Our paper A Runtime Manager Integrated Emulation Environment for Heterogeneous SoC Design with RISC-V Cores (IEEE Explore) was published in Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop (HCW'24).
  2. Our paper Tutorial: A Novel Runtime Environment for Accelerator-Rich Heterogeneous Architectures (ACM) was published in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems.
  3. Our paper PyTorch and CEDR: Enabling Deployment of Machine Learning Models on Heterogeneous Computing Systems (IEEE Explore) was published in 2023 20th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA).
  4. Joshua Mack and Serhan Gener held a Tutorial Session CEDR: A Holistic Software and Hardware Design Environment for FPGA-Integrated Heterogeneous Systems in FPGA'24.
  5. Our paper Value-Based Resource Management at SoC Scale (ACM) was published in 3rd Workshop on Redefining Scalability for Diversely Heterogeneous Architectures (RSDHA).
  6. Our paper CEDR-API: Productive, Performant Programming of Domain-Specific Embedded Systems (arXiv) was accepted to the 2023 IPDPS Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop.
  7. Our paper CEDR -- A Compiler-Integrated, Extensible, DSSoC Runtime (arXiv, ACM) was accepted for publication in the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems.
  8. Our paper User-Space Emulation Framework for Domain-Specific SoC Design (arXiv, IEEE Xplore) was accepted to the 2020 IPDPS Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop.
  9. We presented Automating Programming and Development of Heterogeneous SoCs with LLVM Tools at the 2020 Free and Open Source Developers' European Meetup (FOSDEM 2020).
  10. We presented a poster on Heterogeneous SoC Design Space Exploration with an FPGA based Emulation Framework at the 2019 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig 2019).
  11. We presented a poster and demo on Emulation Framework for Hardware-Software Co-Design of Heterogeneous SoCs at 2019 ARM Research Summit.

Value based Runtime Management

Value-based resource management heuristics, which are traditionally deployed in heterogeneous HPC systems, maximize system productivity by assigning resources to each job based on its priority and estimated value gain relative to each job's completion time. We investigate the utility of value-based resource management at heterogeneous SoC scale and demonstrate its ability to make effective scheduling decisions for time-constrained jobs in oversubscribed systems where system resources are shared by multiple users and applications arrive dynamically. The proposed value-based resource management approach drops tasks that are estimated to result with lower-value gain dynamically with the aim of completing more number of high-value jobs with a scheduling decision time at 120𝜇s scale. The value-based resource management treats scheduling as a global optimization problem, therefore this study sets a path forward for deploying a unified value-based resource management on a system composed of front-end SoC-based edge devices and a back-end HPC system.

Anomaly Detection on Heterogeneous SoC

Distinguishing between normal and abnormal application behavior poses a greater challenge in heterogeneous computing systems compared to homogeneous systems due to varying execution characteristics influenced by factors like differences in programming models, diversity of Processing Elements (PEs), and dynamically changing resource allocation decisions. We develop a profiling framework integrated with an open-source runtime to understand the non-linear correlations among the aforementioned factors. Using this framework as a foundation, we construct an autoencoder model that provides a holistic system view and achieves up to 19% and 13% improvement in abnormal behavior detection accuracy compared to conventional methods such as the One-Class Support Vector Machine and Isolation Forest respectively. We demonstrate the robustness of our approach by executing real-world applications covering radar, communications, and autonomous vehicles domains along with anomalous application scenarios that manipulate behavior or the state of the runtime manager, scheduler, and PEs across three commercial off-the-shelf platforms and three scheduling heuristic policies.

RISC-V based Heterogeneous SoC Emulation Platform

Heterogeneous System-on-Chip (SoC) architectures are becoming attractive for deployment in HPC environments as they deliver performance with energy efficiency and scalability benefits. Particularly the RISC-V is an attractive solution for building heterogeneous systems at HPC scale since it offers ability to customize CPU cores and modularity to integrate with other compute units towards meeting the demands of wide range of computational workloads. Consequently, there is a need for a software ecosystem that facilitates productive application development and deployment on such heterogeneous SoCs, while utilizing system resources effectively. We present a preliminary study over a runtime environment that allows execution of applications written in C/C++ on heterogeneous SoC architectures composed of multiple RISC-V core types and a pool of accelerators emulated on Xilinx Virtex 7 FPGA. We showcase ability to investigate the impact of hardware composition and scheduling policy on execution time performance while executing real-life applications in our emulation environment.

Automated PyTorch Application Deployment on Heterogeneous SoC

The PyTorch programming interface enables efficient deployment of machine learning models, leveraging the parallelism offered by GPU architectures. In this study, we present the integration of the PyTorch framework with a compiler and runtime ecosystem. Our aim is to demonstrate the ability to deploy PyTorch-based models on FPGA-based SoC platforms, without requiring users to possess prior FPGA-based design experience. We realize seamless deployment of PyTorch models by dynamically loading accelerator-supported functions during runtime. This approach allows runtime to benefit from accelerators for certain layers and fall back to CPU for unsupported layers. Such flexibility facilitates the integration from native Python implementation to a diverse set of heterogeneous SoCs. This approach does not require users to have prior FPGA-based design experience and delivers a straightforward, portable, and adaptable deployment process. This is achieved by incorporating neural network layers at the task level through an API-based programming model, thereby obviating the necessity for hardware implementation of the model. Our experiments involve compiling and executing real-life applications on heterogeneous SoC configurations emulated on the Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ ZCU102 system. We showcase our ability to deploy three distinct PyTorch applications, encompassing object detection, visual geometry group (VGG), and speech classification, using the integrated compiler and runtime system without loss of model accuracy. Furthermore, we extend our analysis by evaluating dynamically arriving workload scenarios, consisting of a mix of PyTorch models and non-PyTorch-based applications. Through these experiments, we vary the hardware composition and scheduling heuristics. Our findings indicate that when PyTorch-based applications coexist with unrelated applications, our integrated scheduler fairly dispatches tasks to the FPGA platform's accelerator and CPU cores, without compromising the target throughput for each application.

Current Contributors

Past Contributors